30 research outputs found

    The Northern Adriatic Forecasting System for Circulation and Biogeochemistry: Implementation and Preliminary Results

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    This paper described the implementation of a forecasting system of the coupled physical and biogeochemical state of the northern Adriatic Sea and discussed the preliminary results. The forecasting system is composed of two components: the NEMO general circulation model and the BFM biogeochemical model. The BFM component includes an explicit benthic pelagic coupling providing fluxes at the sediment-water interface and the dynamic of the major benthic state variables. The system is forced by atmospheric forcing from a limited-area model and by available land-based (river runoff and nutrient load) data. The preliminary results were validated against available remote and in situ observations. The validation effort indicated a good performance of the system in defining the basin scale characteristics, while locally the forecasting model performance seemed mostly impaired by the uncertainties in the definition of the land-based forcing

    Paralelización del modelo Híbrido Clásico-Cuántico para un Dispositivo Semiconductor Mosfet Nanométrico

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    The expensive reengineering of the sequential software and the difficult parallel programming are two of the many technical and economic obstacles to the wide use of HPC. We investigate the chance to improve in a rapid way the performance of a numerical serial code for the simulation of the transport of a charged carriers in a Double-Gate MOSFET. We introduce the Drift-Diffusion-Schrödinger-Poisson (DDSP) model and we study a rapid parallelization strategy of the numerical procedure on shared memory architectures.El transformar un software secuencial en uno paralelo, es costoso y difícil, lo cual constituye solo dos de los muchos obstáculos técnicos y económicos que se tienen que enfrentar cuando se desea hacer uso de sistemas HPC. En este trabajo investigamos la posibilidad de mejorar de forma rápida y eficiente el desempeño de un código numérico secuencial que se encarga de realizar la simulación del comportamiento y transporte de un flujo de electrones en un dispositivo semiconductor MOSFET doble puerta y de escala nanométrico. Se  introduce el modelo Drift-Diffusion- Schrödinger-Poisson (DDSP) y se estudia una estrategia de paralelización rápida del procedimiento numérico, óptimo específicamente para arquitecturas a memoria compartida

    The Mont-Blanc prototype: an alternative approach for high-performance computing systems

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    High-performance computing (HPC) is recognized as one of the pillars for further advance of science, industry, medicine, and education. Current HPC systems are being developed to overcome emerging challenges in order to reach Exascale level of performance,which is expected by the year 2020. The much larger embedded and mobile market allows for rapid development of IP blocks, and provides more flexibility in designing an application-specific SoC, in turn giving possibility in balancing performance, energy-efficiency and cost. In the Mont-Blanc project, we advocate for HPC systems be built from such commodity IP blocks, currently used in embedded and mobile SoCs. As a first demonstrator of such approach, we present the Mont-Blanc prototype; the first HPC system built with commodity SoCs, memories, and NICs from the embedded and mobile domain, and off-the-shelf HPC networking, storage, cooling and integration solutions. We present the system’s architecture, and evaluation including both performance and energy efficiency. Further, we compare the system’s abilities against a production level supercomputer. At the end, we discuss parallel scalability, and estimate the maximum scalability point of this approach across a set of HPC applications.Postprint (published version

    Towards the new Thematic Core Service Tsunami within the EPOS Research Infrastructure

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    Tsunamis constitute a significant hazard for European coastal populations, and the impact of tsunami events worldwide can extend well beyond the coastal regions directly affected. Understanding the complex mechanisms of tsunami generation, propagation, and inundation, as well as managing the tsunami risk, requires multidisciplinary research and infrastructures that cross national boundaries. Recent decades have seen both great advances in tsunami science and consolidation of the European tsunami research community. A recurring theme has been the need for a sustainable platform for coordinated tsunami community activities and a hub for tsunami services. Following about three years of preparation, in July 2021, the European tsunami community attained the status of Candidate Thematic Core Service (cTCS) within the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) Research Infrastructure. Within a transition period of three years, the Tsunami candidate TCS is anticipated to develop into a fully operational EPOS TCS. We here outline the path taken to reach this point, and the envisaged form of the future EPOS TCS Tsunami. Our cTCS is planned to be organised within four thematic pillars: (1) Support to Tsunami Service Providers, (2) Tsunami Data, (3) Numerical Models, and (4) Hazard and Risk Products. We outline how identified needs in tsunami science and tsunami risk mitigation will be addressed within this structure and how participation within EPOS will become an integration point for community development

    Towards the new Thematic Core Service Tsunami within the EPOS Research Infrastructure

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    Tsunamis constitute a significant hazard for European coastal populations, and the impact of tsunami events worldwide can extend well beyond the coastal regions directly affected. Understanding the complex mechanisms of tsunami generation, propagation, and inundation, as well as managing the tsunami risk, requires multidisciplinary research and infrastructures that cross national boundaries. Recent decades have seen both great advances in tsunami science and consolidation of the European tsunami research community. A recurring theme has been the need for a sustainable platform for coordinated tsunami community activities and a hub for tsunami services. Following about three years of preparation, in July 2021, the European tsunami community attained the status of Candidate Thematic Core Service (cTCS) within the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) Research Infrastructure. Within a transition period of three years, the Tsunami candidate TCS is anticipated to develop into a fully operational EPOS TCS. We here outline the path taken to reach this point, and the envisaged form of the future EPOS TCS Tsunami. Our cTCS is planned to be organised within four thematic pillars: (1) Support to Tsunami Service Providers, (2) Tsunami Data, (3) Numerical Models, and (4) Hazard and Risk Products. We outline how identified needs in tsunami science and tsunami risk mitigation will be addressed within this structure and how participation within EPOS will become an integration point for community development.publishedVersio

    The EU Center of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth (ChEESE): Implementation, results, and roadmap for the second phase

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    Weather computing: l’indissolubile legame tra meteorologia e HPC

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    L’aspetto previsionistico meteorologico e quelli teorici e tecnologici della Computer Science sono, oggi, intimamente legati, sebbene la teoria di base che governa il comportamento e l’evoluzione dell’atmosfera sia stata sviluppata più di un centinaio di anni fa ovvero molto tempo prima che venisse costruito il primo computer elettronico. Accade molto spesso che i progressi compiuti nel settore tecnologico consentano di sviluppare, parametrizzare ed includere, nella descrizione modellistica dell’atmosfera, fenomenologie fisiche ritenute in un primo tempo ancillari rispetto alla descrizione di base, ma che, al crescere della raffinatezza della rappresentazione modellistica diventano fondamentali sia dal punto di vista qualitativo che quantitativo. È possibile tener conto del contributo di questi fenomeni solamente attraverso l’utilizzo massiccio di potenti supercalcolatori, a causa dell’enorme mole di calcoli necessari affinché essi siano adeguatamente “risolti” alla risoluzione spaziale e temporale necessaria, anche su scenari geografici relativamente poco estesi

    La modellistica differenziale numerica al servizio delle scienze dell'atmosfera e del clima

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    Le moderne Scienze Ambientali ricorrono sempre più di frequente alla modellazione matematica dei fenomeni oggetto di studio; di fatto la simulazione al calcolatore è quasi sempre l’unica via percorribile per la comprensione dei fenomeni naturali, quando l’allestimento di opportune prove sperimentali risulta impraticabile. Essendo le equazioni in gioco molto complesse, una loro soluzione in forma chiusa non è quasi mai possibile. Per superare questo tipo di limitazione, si ricorre all’utilizzo di metodi numerici di approssimazione, implementati poi in codici di calcolo e/o pacchetti software integrati. Il miglioramento continuo dei codici attualmente disponibili consente di soddisfare nuove esigenze della ricerca scientifica nel settore, rendendo disponibili applicazioni sempre più flessibili e di maggiore robustezza